
Course Creator


Meet Julianne

I'm Julianne, an executive leader in my local church with a passion for coaching, creating transformative online courses, and building a community where personal growth and faith intersect. With a track record of inspiring and guiding teams in various capacities, I've dedicated my life to helping others discover their true potential and the freedom that comes with understanding their identity in Christ.

My journey hasn't just been about accumulating titles or roles; it's been a deeply personal quest to overcome my own struggles, insecurities and doubts, learning firsthand what it means to walk in faith and freedom. This path has taught me the importance of honesty, transparency, and the power of asking the right questions—not just for my own growth, but in how I connect with and support others.

As a coach and course creator, I've helped many people break through barriers, overcome limiting beliefs, and step boldly into their God-given purpose. My approach is rooted in excellence, ensuring that each person I work with receives not just information, but opportunity for transformation. With practical resources, actionable steps, and a focus on developing Kingdom mindsets, my goal is to empower you to embrace your unique gifts and identity.

Beyond coaching, I am on the brink of unveiling something truly transformative. I am launching August & Company, a vibrant network of coaches and leaders committed to providing personalized support, workshops, and a collection of online courses designed not just to inform, but to help you unlock and embrace your God-given identity and walk in the freedom that is yours through faith in Jesus Christ. This community reflects my belief in the power of collective wisdom and the importance of nurturing faith and purpose in the midst of life's challenges.

My experience extends to speaking, leading retreats, and active participation in church leadership, where connecting deeply and authentically with individuals has always been at the heart of what I do. Encouraging others to pursue their next steps in faith and to live confidently is not just my passion, it's my calling.

If you're ready to embark on a journey of growth, freedom, and discovery in your faith, I'm here to walk alongside you. Together, we'll navigate the complexities of life with courage, wisdom, and a steadfast faith in Christ. Let's start this journey together, embracing the fullness of your identity in Him and the freedom that awaits.

Are you ready to replace fear, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs with God’s truth?