Discover the Transformative Power of Coaching

What is Coaching?

Coaching is a powerful tool that can help you accelerate the pace of your personal and professional growth.

Coaching helps create the strategies and action plans for breakthrough in your life.

Coaching helps identify your strengths and weaknesses, set clear goals, and develop a plan to achieve them.

Coaching provides a safe and supportive environment for you to explore your options and overcome challenges, enabling you to make meaningful progress towards your goals and achieve breakthrough that may have seemed impossible on your own.

Coaching fosters an environment where you can take your courageous next step!

What is Positive Psychology?

Research that Powers Effective Coaching

Throughout my coach training at the CaPP Institute we learned how this pioneering field of research is foundational to our coaching sessions and key to maximizing your own personal growth and performance. While traditional psychology often focuses on studying and fixing what’s wrong, positive psychology is the study of what happens when things go right. What causes human flourishing? What enables resilience? What empowers you to be at your best? What choices lead to authentic happiness? And does happiness influence things like productivity, relationships and performance?

Julianne August, Breakthrough Coach

As your trained certified coach I will help you advance from where you are to where you want to be. Together, we will collaborate to identify the obstacles that have been holding you back and develop strategies to breakthrough and overcome them. Coaching produces faster results, inspires creative solutions and unlocks personal breakthrough. Faith is central in my life and I bring skills and experience to coach you with your faith in mind.

My Commitment: I will provide you with the tools and guidance you need to move forward with clarity, focus, and purpose. Each purposeful coaching conversation aims to promote self-awareness, strategic thinking, and focused action to overcome limiting beliefs, mindsets, obstacles and even areas of spiritual oppression.

Your Commitment: Between sessions, you'll take action based on our conversations, returning to the next session for accountability and make progress toward reaching your desired goals. Coaching creates momentum in your life, helping you achieve breakthrough and overcome obstacles.

Through our coaching sessions, we will work together to help you gain clarity on your God-given identity and calling, and break through any barriers that may be holding you back from living a life of true freedom and purpose. With the Holy Spirit as our guide, we will uncover your unique gifts and talents, and develop a plan to use them to serve others and glorify God.

  • "Julianne has the unique ability to balance uncompromising truth with unconditional acceptance. I was almost surprised to find that my deepest, darkest secrets were met with not even a hint of judgment."


  • "Julianne is a truth teller. Her honesty and transparency set the tone for a safe coaching environment."


  • "I feel more equipped to lead with confidence, compassion and clarity. Coaching with Julianne has been a catalyst for personal and professional growth."


  • "As a communication coach Julianne cared equally, if not more, about the state and condition of my heart as a communicator than my performance while teaching or speaking."


  • "Julianne rocks! She is a gifted coach and communicator and has helped me in the area of strategic planning."


  • "If you need a coach Julianne is a great choice. She has helped me understand my spiritual gifts in a new way!"


  • "Julianne was able to provide just the right resources for my growth."


  • "Julianne was confident and very intentional when delivering feedback, appropriately scaffolding my learning to help me experience steady growth and improvement without feeling overwhelmed."


  • "Since coaching with Julianne I have experienced a new level of freedom."


  • "Julianne is wise and went above and beyond my expectations to help me grow."


Book a Discovery Call

This free discovery call is an opportunity for you to learn more about my coaching process and how it can benefit you. I offer a free 30-minute call where we can discuss your goals, challenges, and areas where you need a breakthrough. During this call, I will listen and provide you with some initial guidance on how I can help.

Don't miss this opportunity to take the first step towards achieving your breakthrough. Book your free discovery call with me today and let's work together towards your personal growth and spiritual transformation to help you truly thrive!

Stuck? I Can Help.

Spiritual Growth | Personal Growth | Self-Awareness | Digital Wellness | Brain Health and Wellness | Goal Setting | Time Management & Productivity | Calling & Purpose | Confidence Coaching | Create a Life Plan | Inner Healing | Breakthrough Prayer for Healing and Deliverance | Communicating with Confidence | Spiritual Gifts.

What is a Breakthrough Prayer Session?

  • Breakthrough Prayer sessions are designed to help you breakthrough into greater freedom in your life. You may be stuck in habitual sin patterns, believe lies about yourself, suffer from emotional or spiritual pain or oppression, need hope and healing.

    During this first 2-3 hour session, you will be walked through prayers of systematic confession and repentance. We will be affirming your allegiance to Jesus Christ, breaking lies and replacing them with truth, and coaching you toward standing in your God-given freedom & authority. This is done primarily by following a personal inventory filled out ahead of our session, and with the Holy Spirit's promptings in you and the team members.

    You will then move to the final step of Releasing Prayer - a second prayer session approximately 2 hrs. The final prayer time will involve authoritative prayer as the demonic is confronted and strongholds are removed. The team works in unity using spiritual gifts and authority. Then, it is all replaced with the filling of the Holy Spirit, truth and blessing. This entire process is kind and gentle and is guided by the Holy Spirit.

    Sessions can be booked in person or online.

  • “Julianne has the unique ability to balance uncompromising truth with unconditional acceptance. I was almost surprised to find that my deepest, darkest secrets were met with not even a hint of judgment. She listens with an empathetic ear and her unwavering support helped empower me to confront my fears and embark on this healing journey.

    Beyond her empathetic presence, Julianne is gifted with a spiritually discerning mind. Together, we prayed and invited the Holy Spirit to illuminate hidden patterns and uncover root causes of my pain. With her gentle guidance, I began to unravel the intricate tapestry of my past experiences, recognizing how they shaped my present struggles.

    Julianne has been instrumental in helping me understand the transformative power of Christ's work on the cross. She has reminded me how His unconditional love and forgiveness can break the chains of my past and usher me into a life of freedom and wholeness. Through her guidance and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, I have begun to experience the profound healing power of Christ's grace, finding solace in the knowledge that I am forgiven and loved.

    And that’s not all, her knowledge of Scripture and enthusiasm of what that means for God’s children is contagious! Julianne's unapologetic belief inspires you to embrace the good news with such joy, that there is no room for fear.

    She is undoubtedly an ambassador for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. If you are seeking a sanctuary of healing, a place where you can shed your burdens and find true restoration, I wholeheartedly recommend Julianne August. She is an embodiment of Christ's love and compassion, and her guidance will lead you on a transformative journey of healing and wholeness.” Kirby Hamilton

  • As much as I love breakthrough prayer sessions and helping others find greater freedom in Christ, I am even more passionate about helping people maintain their freedom. In an effort to walk alongside people I am creating a video course that will explain the process you have just walked through and give practical tips and tools for living free. This robust video course with printable resources will help you in the day to day. This course is included as part of your Breakthrough Prayer and coaching experience and you will have ongoing access through your personal login to my online course platform.

Professional Certified Life Coach & Personal Development Coach

Certified Brain Health Coach, Licensed Trainer | Dr. Daniel Amen

“O God of the breakthrough, for the glory of your name, come and help us! Forgive and restore us; heal us and cover us in your love.”

PSALM 79:9