On The Blog

Julianne August Julianne August

Reframe Your Future with Three Little Words

He threw it across the room at me and said sarcastically, ‘Here, you are all about this kind of stuff so this one is for you.” Exhausted, I looked at my brother and picked up the little wooden plaque and held it in the palm of my hand. The letters PCT stood out to me and I quickly read the acronym.

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Julianne August Julianne August

That Day I Accidentally Launched my Website

Two years ago today I accidentally launched my blog and website. Oops! I remember it vividly because I was horrified. The morning unfolded like most others and I dragged my ‘not a morning person self’ to the shower to wake up. I was quite aware it was the first day of school for all the kiddos and I remember reflecting on the excitement of ‘first days’ long behind me.

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Julianne August Julianne August

You Snooze You Lose

Do you think it’s true that if you snooze you lose? I will admit that I am a recovering snooze button addict. I have been known to strategically set my alarm clock, so I can indulge by hitting the snooze button over and over again. All for an extra 9 minutes of being horizontal.

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Julianne August Julianne August

Lead, Inspire, Thrive

Have you ever had a conversation that lasted, not minutes or hours but years? Lead, Inspire, Thrive began with a conversation I had with Jesus back in 2012 and for five years we went back and forth on whether this little idea of entering into a more public web space was inspired by God or me!

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